Some people, they want what you have.

They want your talent, they want your grace.

They want to be you whereas they are them. And that's a reach.

Some people they will try to steal from you in unexpected manners.

Some will pretend and behave like you're  close to them when you barely know them. And that will be not making the effort to build a relationship. That will mean those kinds are the "eating you raw" kinds. They will wonder, constantly, what you think of them or what they did, instead of measuring for themselves.

Follow my advice: don't step in because you will lose your integrity.


Let people be sadly who they are and keep your attention on something else. 

Or let them be happily who they are, and then you will find some effective ground for friendship.

And those who want what you have, show them the way to get it, show them the steps, and tell them you'll meet behind the finish line.

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